The role of SKeeD clothes, especially designed for 2-wheeler driving, is to protect against any material likely to melt during a high-speed skid, such as a synthetic lining. It also helps limit leather-to-skin heat transfer due to its insulating properties and thus limits the risk of burning. SKeeD clothing is made from French manufactured Kermel® fibre, which is used to equip elite forces all over the world, such as firefighting or military aviation.

A unique fibre boasting extraordinary properties. This high-technology fibre is intrinsically non-flammable and is melt-resistant. Its qualities remain unchanged regardless of the weather and the number of washes, as it is not a flame retardant on the mesh, but a characteristic specific to the fibre itself and from its design. Its qualities also include exceptional comfort and thermal protection, as well as effective moisture management.

Schéma Technique UK


Protection contre la chaleur

Heat protection

Kermel® fibre is a polyamide-imide fibre, and is a member of the meta-aramid family.

A Polyamid-imide polymer is a molecular structure which is naturally thermostable and fireproof; this means that its temperature does not change, that it is inflammable and that it is heat resistant.


Kermel® fibre can be used constantly in average temperatures of 200°C. It starts to change when exceeding 400°C and offers maximum protection for a few seconds against very high temperatures (up to 1000 °C).

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Thermo-regulation & Moisture Management

The fibre's thermo-stability properties mean it offers great thermal insulation. The fibre does not change temperature in external conditions or on contact with the body, which means body temperature is balanced.

As the fibre is unchangeable, its structure does not change under the effect of a liquid. It is therefore non-absorbent, does not retain moisture and dries quickly in the open air.

Confort et douceur

Comfortable to wear

Kermel fibre has a smooth surface and is similar to cotton, which gives it a soft, silky touch.

It has great flexibility and resistance, which makes it a highly stretchable material.